Conference Participation
- June 2023: Plato Stellar Science Conference, Italy - invited review talk
- April 2021: OBA Stars: Variability and Magnetic Fields, St. Petersburg, Russia - online; contributed talk
all activities cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic
- Sep. 2019 PLATO Input Catalog Workshop, Padova, Italy - poster presentation
- Aug. 2019: Conference "Stars and their Variability, Observed from Space", Vienna, Austria - invited review talk and poster presentation
- July 2019: Conference "Stellar Magnetism: A celebration of the contributions of J. D. Landstreet", London Ontario, Canada - invited review talk
- June 2019: Conference "STARRY2019: GAIA's view of Pre-Main Sequence Evolution: Linking the T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars", Leeds, UK - contributed talk
- March 2019: Conference "Large Surveys with small telescopes: Past, Present and Future" - invited talk
- Oct. 2018: Conference on magnetic stars at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Russia - 2 invited talks
- Sep. 2018: beta Pic Nice Workshop 2018 - invited talk
- Aug. 2018: BRITE-Constellation Science Team Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland
- July 2018: TASC4 / KASC11 Workshop: First Light in a new Era of Astrophysics, Aarhus, Denmark - contributed talk
- May 2018: ANR IMAGINE 4th meeting, Paris, Meudon, France - invited talk
- Nov. 2017: Third BRITE Spectropolarimetry Workshop, Paris Meudon, France - one invited and one contributed talk
- Sep. 2017: Conference "Ages^2: taking stellar ages to the next power", Elba, Italy - contributed talk
- Aug. 2017: "Third BRITE-Constellation Science Conference", Lac Taureau, Canada - two contributed talks
- July 2017: CHEOPS Open Time Workshop, Schloss Seggau, Austria
- Nov. 2016: Two invited talks at the "BRITE Spectropolarimetry Workshop 2016", Meudon, France - invited talks
- Sep. 2016: Lorentz Center Workshop "Rocks, Rubble and Rings", University of Leiden, Netherlands - invited talk
- Sep. 2016: STARS2016 Conference "Understanding the roles of rotation, pulsation and chemical peculiarities in the upper main sequence", The Lake District, UK - invited review talk
- Aug. 2016: "Second BRITE-Constellation Science Conference: small satellites - big science", Innsbruck, Austria - invited talk
- July 2016: TASC2-KASC9 Conference "Seismology of the Sun and distant stars", Azores, Portugal - invited talk
- Dec. 2015: Talk at the "2nd Symposium - From Ground to Space: Astronomical Instrumentation as a Window to the Universe", ÖAW, Austria
- Oct. 2015: Two invited talks at the “BRITE Spectropolarimetry Workshop”, Meudon, France - invited review talks
- Sep. 2015: Two invited talks at the First BRITE-Constellation Science Conference, Gdansk, Poland - invited talk and review talk
- Aug. 2015: IAU General Assembly, Focus Meeting Number 17 "Recent Advances in Stellar Physics from Asteroseismology", Hawaii, US - invited review talk
- June 2015: KASC8-TASC1 Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark - elected contributed talk
- Dec. 2014: PLATO 2.0 Science Conference, Taormina, Italy - invited review talk
- Dec. 2014: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Aug. 2014: Conference “Physics and evolution of magnetic and related stars”, Special Astrophysical Observatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia - invited talk
- July 2014: Two talks at the CoRoT Symposium 3, KASC-7 joint meeting “The Space Photometry Revolution”, Toulouse, France - elected contributed talk and invited talk
- June 2014: MOST Science Team Meeting, Montreal, Canada - contributed talk
- Dec. 2013: Francqui Symposium, Brussels, Belgium - elected contributed talk
- Dec. 2013: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Aug. 2013: IAU Symposium No. 301 “Precision Asteroseismology”, Wroclaw, Poland - elected contributed talk
- Aug. 2013: MOST Science Team Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland - contributed talk
- July 2013: PLATO 2.0 Science Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands - invited talk
- March 2013: CoRoT Week 11, Tenerife, Spain - invited talk
- Dec. 2012: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Sep. 2012: Conference “Asteroseismology of large time-resolved astronomical surveys”, Leuven, Belgium - invited talk
- Aug. 2012: IAU General Assembly, Special Session 13 “High precision tests of stellar physics from high-precision photometry”, Beijing, China - invited talk
- July 2012: MOST Science Team Meeting, Calgary - contributed talk
- Dec. 2011: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Sep. 2011: “Stellar Pulsation Conference: Impact of new instrumentation & new insights”, Granada, Spain - elected contributed talk
- June 2011: Second CoRoT Symposium, Marseille, France - elected contributed talk
- June 2001: MOST Science Team Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada - contributed talk
- Dec. 2010: MOST Science Team Meeting, Warsaw, Poland - contributed talk
- June 2010: MOST Science Team Meeting, Halifax, Canada - contributed talk
- Dec. 2009: MOST Science Team Meeting, San Jose, US - review talk
- June 2009: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Feb. 2009: First CoRoT Symposium, Paris, France - elected contributed talk
- Dec. 2008: MOST Science Team Meeting, Washington, US - contributed talk
July 2008: JENAM 2008, Vienna, Austria - "Symposium 4: Asteroseismology and Stellar Evolution" - elected contributed talk
July 2008: JENAM 2008, Vienna, Austria - "Symposium 5: Star Clusters - Witnesses of Cosmic History" - elected contributed talk
July 2008: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
June 2008: Wroclaw HELAS Workshop 2008 "Interpretation of asteroseismic data" - elected contributed talk
- July 2007: Pulsation conference "Cycles of discovery & stellar pulsation", Vancouver, Canada - invited review talk
- July 2007: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vancouver, Canada - contributed talk
- Dec. 2006: MOST Science Team Meeting, Lac Sacacomie, Canada - contributed talk
- June 2006: MOST Science Team Meeting, Halifax, Canada - contributed talk
- June 2006: CoRoT Week 10, Nice, France - invited talk
- Dec. 2005: MOST Science Team Meeting, Vienna, Austria - contributed talk
- Dec. 2005: CoRoT Week 9, ESTEC, Netherlands - invited talk
- May 2005: CoRoT Week 8, Toulouse, France - invited talk
- Dec. 2004: CoRoT Week 7, Granada, Spain - invited talk
- July 2004: IAU Symposium 224: The A Star Puzzle, Poprad, Slovakia - elected contributed talk