Current Team Members (as of April 2023)
- Christoph Arnold: Master Thesis in pre-MS asteroseismology
- Simone Breitenthaler: Master Thesis on the presumably young cluster Collinder 471
- Leon Erd: Master Thesis on the influence of active accretion on the pre-main sequence g-mode pulsations
- Lukas Falkner: Master Thesis on delta Scuti pulsations in exoplanet host stars
- Manuel Müller: Master Thesis on radial stellar pulsations in pre-MS delta Scuti stars with MESA RSP
- Nena Scheller: Master Thesis in pre-main sequence asteroseismology
- Eva Panetier: Erasmus+ Master student; The position of pre-main sequence pulsators in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- Thomas Steindl: PhD Thesis in pre-main sequence asteroseismology
Sebastian Zieba, Thomas Steindl, Laura Ketzer, Konstanze Zwintz, Marco Müllner (from left to right) - September 2019
Former Team Members
- Laura Schöller (March 2022 - July 2022): Bachelor Thesis about pre-main sequence stars observed with TESS
- Leo Schrickel (March 22 - Nov. 2022): Bachelor Thesis about radial stellar pulsations with MESA RSP
- Ana Maria Stanciu (until Oct. 2021): Master thesis on beta Cas
- Banjamin Schwarz (March 2021 - Nov. 2021): Bachelor thesis on pre-MS delta Scuti stars with TESS
- Leon Erd (March 2021 - Oct. 2021): Bachelor thesis on eclipsing binaries
- Marco Castelpietra (March 2020 - Oct. 2020): Bachelor thesis on pre-MS stellar evolution
- Stefan Lepperdinger (March 2020 - Oct. 2020): Bachelor thesis on software development for a future space mission
- Sebastian Zieba (Oct. 2018 - Jan. 2020): Master thesis about beta Pictoris
- Laura Ketzer (March 2019 - Sep 2019): Master thesis in pre-MS asteroseismology
- Manuel Dornacher (Nov. 2017 - Feb. 2018): Project: Tracing the early lives of stars (FWF)
- Alexander Ebenbichler (Dec. 2017 - Jan. 2018): Project: Tracing the early lives of stars (FWF)
- Mario Löscher (Feb. 2017 - July 2017, Dec. 2017): Project: BRITE-Constellation (supported by the grant "Nachwuchsförderung 2015 der Universität Innsbruck")
- Manuel Müller: Bachelor Thesis with BRITE-Constellation data
- Marco Müllner (Jan. 2017 - Jun. 2017) :Project: Tracing the early lives of stars (FWF)
- Andrea Guzman-Mesa (Oct. 2016 - Jan. 2017): Project: BRITE-Constellation
- Oleg Kalinin (Oct. 2016 - Jan. 2017): Project: Tracing the early lives of stars (FWF)
- Adrian Castanon Esteban: Project (Oct. 2016 - Jan. 2017): Tracing the early lives of stars (FWF)
- Stefan Gössl (Nov. 2015 - April 2016) supported by the grant "Nachwuchsförderung 2015 der Universität Innsbruck"
- Matthias Kondrak (Nov. 2015 - April 2016) supported by the grant "Nachwuchsförderung 2015 der Universität Innsbruck"; Master Thesis including BRITE-Constellation data
- Phadthaya Poemnamthip (Nov. 2015 - April 2016) supported by the grant "Nachwuchsförderung 2015 der Universität Innsbruck"
- Andreas Postel (Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016) supported by the FWF project "Tracing the early lives of stars"
P. Poemnamthip, S. Gössl, M. Kondrak, K. Zwintz - March 2016